Edinburgh — During the Best Weather Ever

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“Bring warm clothes — Scotland is the only place in the UK that makes me shiver!” Anthony told me a few days before we left for Edinburgh.  He didn’t have to tell me twice.  I packed my new winter coat, two pairs of jeans, and wondered whether I’d be shivering in dresses and leggings.

Then I arrived in Edinburgh — only to find 30-degree C (85 degree F) temperatures and cloudless skies.


This was NOT typical weather for Scotland!

Dave quickly confirmed the anomaly with a text message from Chester: “Apparently you’ve had the hottest weather in 50 years for Edinburgh this time of year.”

Where was the Edinburgh of dark, gray skies and drizzling rain, of bundling up in heavy coats?  The Edinburgh of J.K. Rowling bundled up in a cafe with a steaming pot of tea as she wrote the latest Harry Potter novel?

Oh, well.  As a native New Englander, I know better than to complain about warm weather.  I just had one issue:


I had only brought one pair of shoes with me: my tall black boots.  I love boots.  One of my favorite things about the fall is getting out my boots after having them away all summer.  I had been wearing this pair all the time in Chester, and they seemed perfect for Edinburgh.

But tall black boots don’t look or feel good in hot weather, or paired with dresses WITHOUT leggings.  I can’t believe I didn’t even bring my flip-flops — I LIVE in my super-comfy Crocs flip-flops from Bali.

Oh, well.  Consider that lesson learned.

It wasn’t the Edinburgh I expected, but it was the Edinburgh that I enjoyed immensely!  I’m sure the Scots feel the same way I do about enjoying brief summer weather to the fullest, and they were just as delighted to enjoy this unexpected weather.

Things like dining al fresco…

And lying out in the sun during their lunch breaks.

This is one of my favorite shots — I love how everyone is lying out in a row on the little hill!

I think some cities are at their best during overcast weatherI’ve talked about Venice being best during the cold, gray winter, for example.  Edinburgh, with its Georgian architecture, seems like a city that would look beautiful during gloomy weather as well — but it’s no so bad in perfect sunshine, either!

Most amazingly, I was in Edinburgh for three days, and each day had absolutely perfect weather.  I could not believe my luck.  If you’re ever lucky enough to get sunshine like this while visiting Edinburgh, get out and enjoy it while you can!

12 thoughts on “Edinburgh — During the Best Weather Ever”

  1. ‘Where was the Edinburgh of dark, gray skies and drizzling rain, of bundling up in heavy coats?’ Oh, normal service has resumed, dontchoo worry! Soz I missed you when here but glad you had lucky weather and a good time. It was 28 in Jasper too at the time so can’t complain!

  2. eagertravelercris

    lucky you! when i went to edinburgh, it was sooooo cold!!! (well we went around March… duh winter!) but still FANTASTIC…. you’ll really fall in love with this place!
    no matter what the weather is, i think edinburgh is one of the best places in the world!!! 🙂 one of my favorites..

  3. I’m glad you had a great time in Edinburgh! 🙂 I also agree that spooky weather suits Edinburgh so well – I love the contrast of white-grey skies against dark stone buildings.

  4. I teach a Scotland travel course for American college students, and we spend three weeks there in January. Wouldn’t trade it for anything! No crowds. No queues. Just try the Broch of Birsay in a 60 mph gale and horizontal sleet…nothing like it!

  5. The second photo you posted of Edinburgh – I stayed in that very hostel when I went! I enjoyed the city and wish I had spent more time there.

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